Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July "13".

Here it is the second week of July in Wisconsin. Weather has been in the low 90's, humidity to match...thank the Wizards of central air cooling.
Healing my ankle as of late, after an errant piece of hardwood under the axe decided to make a hasty retreat and create a .38 cal. hole in my ankle 45 deg. away from my Achilles.

 Espy picked the Heat for best team, hmmm. they can't play basketball on ice...
Go Hawks, put Chicago back on the map, up bball but really..

Anyhoo, not much to add except the absence of meaningful work hereabouts. Walked out of an OSHA nightmare situation...Summer of reticence and repairs around the compound.

Happy to report that I have the makings of a first rate Glazier..two windows replaced, insulated to those double pane' 60 bucs a pop if you replace the glass yourself..
All you need is a stiff putty knife, 3/8 piece of wood, and a rubber some decent all weather caulk..

Lawnmover (rider) is over 20 years old and feeling it's age. They never told me it wasn't an all terrain mower..duh.
Next trip around I'll probably get self propelled unit with a bag on the back...need to walk more anyway's.

They say that wealthiest among us get up early (work days I presume), exercise, eat very little junk food, eat and deal at lunch time...strange..., and set long term goals...the careers are varied. Being a volunteer for a non profit and enjoying a limit of two beverages , IPA if you please, when imbibing,.and otherwise carry on like the rest of us except, no more than an hour of tv  during the mention of family time however...some good points unless you miss some really entertaining shows on HBO or Cinemax ...

To avoid getting a stiff neck and adding another hour of bad posture, I will end..
Safe summer to all.....drink bottled water if you nitrate levels are above 10ppm.
Ciao from Wisconsin, j be gone.    

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